Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine Flu Survival Guide

Here are some simple steps to protect yourself from swine flu with this swine flu survival guide
If you are within six feet of a person who is infected you are at risk.

There is no way of knowing who is infected so you need to take precqautions against this flu. You can wear a mask to avoid inhaling the virus. A mask is only effective for 30 minutes at the most before your breath saturates it and the virus moves through the mask into yor mouth. When you remove a mask you must immediaely wash your hands, or the vrus will be on your body and if you touch your mouth or nose you will infect yourself.

Keep your hands away from your nose and mouth. If you touch a doorhandle or other surface that is infected and then touch your mouth or nose you will be infected.

You need to either wear gloves or avoid touching shred surfaces such as door handles, worktops, supermarket trolleys and avoid shaking hands with people. They may be infected and ass the germs onto your hands.

if you must use a public restroom wash your hands immediately before leaving. Before even doing that consider this. the sink handle or press button will be the last thing you touch...and the last thing everyone else will touch as well and is probably the mostinfected item in the restroom. Use a paper towel when using the sink taps and avoid infection.

Clean your shoes with a disinfecting spray before entering your house, or even better leave them in a garage. The vuris could be on the flor at your place of work, on the subway or even on your path. Make sure you do not keep slippers or other shoes near to your outdoor footwear. the virus can easily spread.

If you develop symptoms vist your doctor or ER immediately. At the present time there are only tamiflu definitely helps and there have been some ancedotal stories that resveratrol helps to boost your immune system as well.

Tamiflu must be taken within 48 hours of infection to work.

How to Protect Yoursel From the H1N1 Swine Flu virus and surviving swine flu

With Swine flu now nearly out of control you need to find a way of protecting yourself and your family and surviving swine flu with this swine flu survival guide. As the swine flu now jumps from country to country we just want to protect ourselvesfrom contracting this deadly virus.

There are several mays you can rotect yourselves and families.

First you must understand how the virus spreads.

coughing, sneezing, spitting and blowing your nose allows the virus to escape your body. It is spread by droplet infection through the air. these drops are breathed in by other "victims" and they also land on surfaces, where the virus sits and waits for the next unsuspecting victim to pick it up. Once the virus enters your system it will break downn your immune system and give you this deadly flu.

Since this is a new virus no one has natural immunity and there are no vaccines either. Deveolping a vaccine will take months after people start contracting it and even then there is no guarantee a vaccine will work. Like many other viruses the flu can mutate very quickly. This means that any potential swine flu vaccine would be useless.